A good member base is what makes the difference between models that earn good money and models that earn a lot of money! Imagine going online and already having members in your room with whom you can talk and go private, instead of waiting for people to find you.
In this article, you will find 3 tips for a good member base!
The first tip is maybe the hardest to follow as we all tend to offer more attention to members that have big badges or important masks, but you actually need to pay attention to everyone:

1. Don’t hunt only the highest paying members
I know your face lights up when you see a Casanova mask or a big badge next to a member’s nickname. I can see the sparkle in your eyes and the big smile as you immediately greet that member, and so can other members. Even though you know those members have the potential to make your day an amazing one by spending good money with you, don’t think less of the other members. Why? Because those members that you are ignoring now are the same members that can be convinced to become high spenders- with YOU!
How do you think the high spenders started? Why not pave the way to a relationship with a new member and make him want to spend his money only with you because you were the one that convinced him it is worth it. The new member is as important as the ones you are hunting because they might not be so jaded and they might actually want to create a relationship with you.
And this is the best segue into my next tip:
2.We are human
Every model has an idea of how she should look and behave while online. This is not a bad thing, but sometimes we ourselves create roadblocks in the relationship with our members. Don’t forget- we are human– and this means we have flows, strengths, good days, and bad days. As we don’t want to make the people in our life feel bad because we are in a bad mood, the same applies to our members. Be nice, be kind, find something good in each interaction, and members will appreciate it. Don’t be afraid to be yourself, because most members want to see You. They will get attached to you faster if they see that even if you are the ideal woman they were looking for you have your own opinions and feelings on things. Don’t be a –” Yes, sir” be “Yes, sir, but..” Express yourself and create a safe place for your members to come to. Use humor, use your life experience to make them see that they can be themselves while they spend time with you.
And they will want to spend a lot of time with you. Even outside of your online time.

3. Keep in touch while offline.
Another mistake that models make, for various reasons, is not keeping in contact with their members outside of their online time.
Many sites offer you the possibility to send and receive messages from your members, and I am sure you know that they are curious to interact with you outside of the defined space that is your room.
They want to know what you look like, what you like to do, what interests you, and if you can’t share that through a message, share it on your Social Media.
I know you are already doing that with your closest friends, why not translate that into your life as a model as well. The members will most definitely enjoy seeing you in other scenarios and they will feel closer to you.
And due to this, your followers will want to spend their time with you and your member base will definitely grow.
So here you have 3 tips for a good member base, even if you make use of only one of them you will see a change in your interaction with your members!