When you think about camgirls, what do you imagine? I’m assuming a young, sexy, playful woman, wearing lingerie, having fun on camera. Key word here: young. The default image, for most, is most likely someone between 18 and 25 years old. However, the cam industry is much more diverse than this. There is no age restriction to being a camgirl.
You might ask, then: Don’t men like young women? Will I have any success if I’m older? What if no one wants to see me? Well, I can assure you, the benefits of being a camgirl when you’ve over 30 do exist, and are huge. Men will come to see you, even if you are over 30, and you’ll have a huge popularity.
I will not deny that youth is very popular. A lot of men, however, might want someone who has more knowledge about life, someone who can talk to them from a similar perspective, if they’re older, or perhaps someone who can give them wisdom if they’re younger. With age comes experience, maturity, even sophistication in some cases. You can build a completely different image of yourself once you reach a certain age, and lived through more, and the conversations to be had will also change. There are, of course, young people who have been though a lot, and are mature than their age. But there is only so much experience you can gain as a young person. Knowledge ultimately comes with time.
Men’s preferences, like anyone’s, come in many forms. You might have heard of the term MILF. The term generally refers to older mothers who are still highly attractive and desirable to men. However, you don’t actually have to be a mother to attract the men who are into this. It’s more about having a certain look, and giving off certain vibes. Being over 30, you’d have lived more as a woman, and, therefore, you can project a certain type of femininity: one that relies on experienced confidence.
Let’s say you’re in the fetish category. While anyone of any legal age can be into BDSM, and do it well, there are a lot of men who are more into the older Mistress type, the strong, assured, older, sophisticated Domme. In that case, you’ll definitely appeal to them with no issue.
If we’re talking about experience, one of the most important thing that comes with age is knowing your own body. As a camgirl, you become an expert in eroticism, sensuality, teasing, pleasure. Being older means you’ve had more time to explore yourself, to get in touch with every part of your body, intimately, and that you know exactly what makes you sing with pleasure. If you know your body well, you’re comfortable and familiar with its every angle, every preferred touch, it’s very easy to use those on camera to entice men. Knowing yourself is always key to any job that involves interacting with people on such an intimate level as you do when you are a camgirl.
Another great advantage that comes with age is lowered or no inhibitions. The older you get, the more confident you grow, and that confidence is also reflected in what you want to do in terms of eroticism. What man doesn’t want to go online and chat with a confident woman who has no trace of shyness and is unafraid to have a lot of fun, and knows how to have it in such a way that everyone is pleased with the result?
Being a camgirls is, of course, a job. Like any job, it will bring in money. And when having a lot of money, it’s is very difficult not to splurge and spend it all. The temptation to get all sorts of things can be overwhelming By the time you’re 30 and over, however, you most likely already know how to budget. The money you earn will always be well-spent, perhaps even invested in such a way that you’ll have more profit. Not to say that younger people can budget, on the contrary, however, there is no denying that a bit of business and spending experience does come with age.
If you’ve been a camgirl for a longer time, getting over 30 will probably bring a sort of comfort. Why? You most likely already have your members, your fans, and have formed connections with them. It’s an immense satisfaction to see all these people desiring you for you, for your attractiveness and attitude. If you’re just getting into the industry, there will be a lot of benefits. Self-confidence is great to have at a young age, but it’s also important to be maintained when older. Becoming a camgirl will definitely boost that. If you feel like you’re too old, or undesirable, let me tell you, being a camgirl will destroy those fears. You have the attitude, you will have people who will love you and come back for more.
I do think that there is a stigma about older women who work in this industry and I believe it’s time for that to stop. A woman doesn’t stop being attractive after 30. She is like a fine wine, becomes better the more she ages. It’s all about the attitude, how you carry yourself, how you behave.
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