This connection has undoubtedly changed as a result of technology, and some of us no longer understand the distinction between personal intimacy and privacy. On a human level, people can still choose to be intimate or private, but, particularly in this case, there is always a risk of exposure through technology.
Personal Freedom and Technology
Everybody’s private life revolves around their right to personal freedom. Some people are prepared to put themselves out there, but others want more privacy and avoid this kind of personal networking. Although there should unquestionably be restrictions on privacy disclosure, the technology depicted in the novel does have the potential to be useful. It’s crucial that there is always a balance between these two strong forces. Technology should be used to advance society without endangering humankind. When we shut our front door for safety, we are protecting each other and ensuring that everyone’s privacy is respected.

The Duality of Personal Intimacy and Privacy
Humans require social interaction to maintain their happiness and health, but we also require some degree of seclusion in order to perform effectively in society. People who have secrets frequently feel obliged by fear or guilt to keep them hidden, in contrast to others for whom seclusion feels like a choice. An exclusionary relationship or a space that is solely accessible to the person or people with whom we share our intimacy could be used to describe intimacy. Because of this, intimacy with someone forces us to give up our privacy, or the place where we can be alone and unobserved by others. We might think of intimacy as this hidden garden that defines our own space and is certainly a mystery to others.

Interplay of Privacy and Intimacy
More specifically, privacy guards against intrusions into our personal lives, including those involving our loved ones, friends, our health, and our jobs. Privacy pertains to everything that surrounds our existence. Intimacy can also be found in the private realm. Even intimacy itself is an unavoidable paradox. It alludes to the greatest closeness to the outside world as well as the most openness to the other (being intimate with someone). Although sex and romance may be the first to spring to mind, closeness is important in other kinds of relationships as well! What do you mean when you say that a party with friends is an “intimate gathering,” for instance? You’re implying that the party was attended by a small number of close friends as opposed to a sizable number of unfamiliar people.

Since modernity places a significant emphasis on the individual, intimacy has become a key component of privacy. Intimacy served as the setting for the development of an inner self and the achievement of singularity separate from the general public and from society. Interior denoted a private, solitary area for character development and self-definition.
We’ll conclude by pointing out that one of the main issues in this new electronic age is privacy. The desire to learn everything about you is at the core of Internet culture. Once it has learned everything about you and 200 million other people, that information is a very valuable asset, so people will be enticed to trade and conduct business with it. When people used the term “information age,” they weren’t referring to this kind of data.