Becoming a cam-model is an important decision. Think about it good and take everything you do seriously. In other words, think about this job like your own business.
You will have a life changing experience, both personal and financial. But until you get there, there is one big first day that you must get through.
You had your initial photoshoot done, your training done, you chose a name that you like or that represents you in any way. Now it’s just you and the cam. But not really.
You are now online. Remain calm and act natural.
You can probably see your nervous self-staring back at you from the monitor. You are probably thinking: ”What the hell is going on?”. But don’t stress too much, all will be well and pretty soon and you will start to enjoy your online time.
Your room soon fills with members and guests. And they all start talking with you. At the same time. What to do?
1. Don’t try too hard.
This rule applies to everything. Don’t try too hard to be sexy, or funny, or seductive, or to raise their interest. Just be yourself. Being fake on cam does nothing for you. Relax, take a deep breath and let yourself be natural. It’s your first shift, you don’t have to find your cam style just yet. Concentrate on being comfortable first.
2. Make sure you know your how to use the technical equipment.
Meaning the cam remote, the music volume, the site you work on. Knowing all these will make a huge difference in the way your first shift will go. You did this on your training days, but now that your live on cam, you probably forget everything. Remember to stay calm and it will come back to you.
3. All the talk and the questions.
Expect to feel a bit like you’re being interviewed by a few people. At once. Each one with their own personal questions and curiosities. Also, you might interact with the trainers as well – being your first shift and all. The way your attention should spread is like this: members first, guests after, and always the trainers or tech support.
4. Lights
Unless your lighting at home is very strong, you might find it a bit weird to get used to the studio lights. It’s not every day you sit in bed with the coast lights pointing at you. No worries, you will soon get so used to them you won’t even notice them anymore. Just try not to stare directly at them until that happens. Make sure you turn on all the lights because you will look better on cam.
5. Requests in free chat
Members, knowing that this is your first time on cam, will try and request you do to things that they don’t have to pay for. Like a flash, or to change your outfit in free, or to show …something. Don’t fall for that. Everything you do at a member’s request must be done in private. That’s what privates are for. Simples. Be nice and explain that to them. Don’t worry, members will come back for more, especially if you play it smart.
6. Your first tease
At this point you probably heard the word “tease’ by now. At least once. Don’t stress yourself too much over it, just pick a song that you like, and be your natural self. If your style is slow, use that. If you’re into twerking, go for it. Just make sure that the camera is pointing at you, and that your face is visible too. Just enjoy what you do and they will enjoy it too.
7. Your first private -don’t get naked too fast
You’re in private now, and you don’t quite know how to handle it. Don’t make the mistake of assuming all they want to do is see you naked. Use your voice, ask the member what his name is, or how he wants to be called, and how does he want to spend his time with you. This should ease up your job, and help you know exactly how to handle the private.
8. Do NOT give out any personal information
This rule you heard it on and on by now, but it is very important to remember. Under any circumstances don’t engage into changing personal information with anyone while online. By personal information we mean your real name, home address, any king of personal data. It’s best to keep your private life separate and to not allow members access to it. No matter how much they ask this of you.
9. Positioning on cam
The way you sit on cam makes all the difference. Are you crunched over? Looking like you’d rather take a nap? Make sure the way you sit, and the angle works to your advantage. Probably, by now, you know your “good side”. Don’t cover your face with hair and don’t look down. Always look straight in the cam. Might be a bit difficult at first but soon you will see the power it has.
These are a few pointers to help you out on your first time. Now that you’ve decided to lose your cam ‘virginity’ allow yourself to learn how to be the best version of yourself. Also allow yourself to make mistakes, it’s natural and they’re helping tools if you pay attention next time. Mistakes can be viewed like the cute thing that make you somehow different from more experienced camgirls, and they might convince a member to take you to private, or a guest to convert to a member. Later, in your career, you can both lough about it.
Overall, on your first time on cam, just enjoy the experience, there is only one first time for everything. Pretty soon you’ll know all there is to know and you’ll remember with a smile about your very first time on cam.