Worst presents to give to a woman

Ladies, we’ve all been here; being super happy about receiving a gift, eyes all big and watery thinking about the hidden treasure that hides inside. Opening the box and inside… nothing that we ever wanted.

Guys, we understand the struggle, it’s not that easy to get presents for your beautiful girls.

To make it clear, I asked the #girlsfromstudio20 about the worst gifts they ever received.

Please take into consideration that the list solely based on the girl’s preferences and some things might actually work on other cam girls or your SO.

  1. Hair dryer or any kind of hair product

Amber Haze: “It was my 21st  birthday and I was in a long distance relationship with my boyfriend at the time. We didn’t see each other that often but the love was strong, and we missed one another like crazy. He came back to town to see me and spend the weekend with me and he handed me a big box. I was so excited I could’ve gone down on him right there. But I waited and unwrapped and unwrapped and so on, getting more and more excited. Finally, I saw it. It was a f***g hair dryer. A cheap one. He heard my hairstylist saying that I need to dry my hair with a hairdryer and that’s why he got it for me. That cheap hair dryer never touched my head. I never touched his head from there on.”  


  1. Cock ring

“I’m very much into sex games and all, I’m a kinky ass mofo and I’m not afraid to let my boyfriends know,” says Ava Mistique. “One Christmas I was dating this super nice guy. Really shy and sweet, nothing like I’ve ever dated before. It was something about his innocence that I really liked. So he leaned on towards me at the dinner table saying that he’s got a ring for me. I started screaming and crying, being overly excited and dramatic. Then he popped a cock ring out. I kicked him in the balls. I am crazy and sexual but you can’t tell me you got a ring for me and get me a cock ring.”


  1. Self-help books

For anyone who likes to read, getting them a book might be the best idea for a present. Not quite, as Rebecca000 tells us.

“I got a stupid self-help book about a single woman in the big city or something like that. One should never ever give a woman a self-help book. I was in a period in my life where I was working a lot and my personal life was nonexistent. When I got the book as a present, I wanted to throw it at the person that got it for me. Then the book proved to be helpful: I burned it and threw a really nice barbeque where I invited a lot of friends and they bought guys. Check!”


  1. Funny underwear

“I don’t think you understand. Pink lacey fluffy panties with some fake crystals. And 3 sizes bigger than me. At first, I hoped that he cheated and those are the side chicks panties. It would have been better, he could have blamed it on alcohol. But no, my guy had the biggest smile on his face and was all excited about my reaction to the nightmare panties. Sure enough, I wore them that night and made everything possible to rip them apart.” Eva Devine tells us  


  1. Fluffy anything

Designer Missy has a strong opinion about this: “There’s a rule that everyone must understand: After 5 years old, no girl will get anything stuffed. Yes, that includes the pants too. If you want to drive me mental, send me teddy bears or fluffy robes/shoes/bras. I don’t understand them, I don’t like them; I’m a very pragmatic person and I’m a woman, I got enough shit in my house, I don’t need more fluff to collect dust.”


  1. Printed mug/ pillow/ t-shirt

“You know those stupid corny Valentines Day printed stuff? I can’t live with those.” the sexy bombshell Rubyconne tells us. ”I remember when I was younger, a bf of mine got me a heart-shaped pillow with his face printed on it so that I see his face even when he’s not here. I’m not a romantic person, I hate those things, so I threw the pillow out the window. Our relationship as well.”


  1. Food

“Unless I’m a starving child, I don’t want food for my birthday. Nothing like that. Yes, take me out to a nice restaurant, have a nice conversation and meal but after that, give me my damn present. Food is not a present. I had a bf once that did this and at the end of the night, he asked for the check and before paying for it he told me that that’s his present for me. I wish I would’ve eaten more… cheapskate.” Says Madelene Ray


We here at Studio 20 want to #educate people and turn a frown upside down so we’re sure you guys are going to get the info and starting from now on, you’re going to find new ways of impressing both your beautiful cam models and SO.