Things are easier said than done when it comes to cultivating body acceptance. When you’ve spent a good amount of your life picking yourself apart or comparing yourself to others, changing those views doesn’t happen overnight. That said, according to therapists practice makes perfect and you can actually learn how to feel good in your own body, even when it seems like your self confidence is shot.
Every woman has felt at one point or another that she doesn’t love that much a part of her body. Maybe it’s you stretch marks, maybe it’s a little bit of cellulitis, maybe your boobs are starting to sag a little or you’ve seen yourself in the mirror one day from and angle and your confidence dropped for a moment. We have all been there, and I’m here to tell you that it’s ok. How you feel about the skin you’re in can be affected by a number of things, but the positivity you received (or didn’t receive, as the case may be) at a very young age from your parents, siblings, or peers can be especially impactful.
The good news is, things are changing. In the last few years women are speaking out against body shaming and calling for more acceptance and representation. But something that’s important to you, as a camgirl, is that regardless of your size or your body type, there will always be an audience for you to make money on the adult streaming sites. Being a cam model can be hard, especially if you don’t have enough confidence at first about your looks and your body, but don’t be discouraged, because with proper training and support, you can charm your way into the hearts and pockets of many members. And that comes with reassurance that you look good and that you are attractive.
Even so, if you are struggling with your body image, here are some thing that can help you in jour journey toward accepting yourself.
Cultivate Gratitude. Yes, this is an important step, because first and foremost you need to acknowledge the need to build up gratitude and compassion for your body. And one of the best ways to actually do that is by creating a list of reasons you are grateful for it. “Your body helps you be productive, it makes you money, it introduces you to people, it brings you opportunities and it’s the only one that you have.” To become more grateful, identify the parts that are your favorite and that you want to highlight more.
Don’t compare yourself to others. Yes, it’s a competitive field you’re working on, and your body is your introduction, but you don’t have to compare yourself to other models that are making more money than you or that are more successful than you. Because maybe it’s not their body that sells. Embrace the way that you look and make the most with what you have. As I mentioned earlier, there is an audience for everyone, you just have to find yours.
Be more present when you’re on cam and in privates. Getting intimate can be a struggle when you’re feeling less-than-confident. This can build up your confidence in a very easy way. The people that are there, they are for you, for your body and for what you provide to them, so they chose you for a reason. Being fully present and aware when someone is loving your body can build your sense of self love and acceptance.
So, I will leave it at that. Self-love starts with you and we can all learn to love ourselves a little bit more. Love yourself, and your life and career as a cam girl will become brighter. The only person stopping you is you.