There are times when you’re ecstatic, where your enthusiasm is through the roof and you feel like this is the best day of your life. You’re making money, you’re having fun, your conversations are interesting and the members in your room are spending like crazy. Then, there are times when you encounter boredom while camming, where you don’t feel like it can be worse than this. You don’t have energy, you don’t have members, you’re not making money and you can’t seem to find your motivation. You’re bored, and you feel bored on camera. Today we’re going to talk a little bit about this topic.
The ugly truth of boredom while camming.
There is no quick fix to a slow cam room. Sorry if I tell you the ugly truth. Telling you that I’ve got the formula figured out for fixing slow rooms is the exact same thing as guaranteeing you success and I can’t do that. No one can. Generating revenue on a cam site is a complex end result of dozens and dozens of factors, some that you can control, some that you can’t.
Nothing’s more painful than a silent cam room. It’s hard on the confidence, it’s hard on morale, and obviously, it’s devastating to your income. If people aren’t chatting, aren’t tipping or you simply can’t get traffic to actually come into your room at all, then you’re not having a good time, plain and simple. If you’re not having a good time, people can tell.
If people can tell then they’re even less inclined to tip you, and the downward spiral continues. I hear you: it fucking sucks. If this is your situation more often than not and you’re still pushing to make it work I want you to know your efforts aren’t for nothing.
Just because you are bored, defeated, and miserable doesn’t mean you have to look at it. I know it’s difficult to look like you’re having a blast when you really aren’t, but difficult doesn’t mean impossible and if your financial security is resting on the shoulders of your effort then you owe it to yourself to really try.
Don’t sit there on your phone. – A very important thing!!!
Don’t stare at the cam, unmoving and silent. If you’re streaming with the intention of attracting new viewers and turning them into tippers, work it: dance. Tease. Show off the booty if you can’t manage to hold a smile anymore. On that note, smile as often as you can, even if it’s not genuine. What you’re aiming to do is cast the illusion that you’re camming because you genuinely enjoy it.
Even if you aren’t having fun, fake it till you make it. Perpetuating negative opinions about camming (”It’s always so slow”, “I never make tokens at this time”, “I can’t stand X site”, and “It’s really unfair”) is like shooting yourself in the foot. Even stupid people can sense good vibes, and projecting good vibes into your room starts with you. People will notice when you’re actually enjoying being on cam. Until you get to that point, play the part as hard as you can.
There are always things that we can improve. Let’s say it’s hours that are your problem, then set minimums for yourself and refuse to work less than those. If it’s creating content that you suck at, set minimums for that. If it’s logging off short of token goals, set minimums for that, too. You can’t control how much people tip, but you can control how much you work, and if we’re all being honest with ourselves, very few of us work 100% as much as we possibly could be working. There’s usually more you can do. If you’re not where you want to be, then do more.
Now that you know what makes this boredom be present in your cam room, you know how to tackle it and how to make it work in your advantage. Study yourself, improve on what you lack and you will see your camming career booming in no time.