The support team helps you be the best model. They are young people who are there to support you and give you the best tips so that you have the best online transmission.

Studio20 has 100% qualified and trained support to give the best of themselves in each transmission. In their company, you will fulfill your goals in the shortest possible time. Their experience has made many girls into top models. 


If you are not a native model of some English-speaking country, our stands are prepared for this. Our entire staff can support you with language, teach you phrases or help you flirt with users who don’t speak your language.

When hiring our supports they must have a minimum level of B2 or possibly native. 


Our supports are flirty and sensual. They help you maintain the sensual energy that has a good chat. They can answer some questions or talk to users hot. So our team is trained to bring out their sexiest side. 

Good vibe

We make sure to hire people with excellent charisma and good energy. They are kind, respectful, hardworking, complimentary, sensual, and are the best. 

Studio20 is specialized to be the best. We have the best team, the best venues and the best models. Come and work with us.

Support Studio 20

  • 100% trained people.
  • People who love their work.
  • People who learn about the industry every day.
  • Outstanding professionals in their field.
  • Kind and cordial people.

Working with our team you will have total privacy and your identity will always be protected. Their real name will not be revealed because they have a confidentiality contract, they will only speak to you under the pseudonym they will choose. You can be sure that no one from the support team or administrative team will damage your public image.

Become the best Studio 20 model.